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Recent publications and talks

Monument to Niccolò Tommaseo (1802 - 1874), also called "el Cagalibri". Campo Santo Stefano, Venezia.


  • (In)complete events in the grammar of causation. Submitted to Revista Letras, special issue Linguística Formal [may 2017]
  • Nominal and verbal events in Romance causative constructions. Submitted [june 2017]

To appear

  • accepted (with Martin Becker) Or, ora, maintenant. Perspective temporelle et perspective argumentative. Discours, 2017
  • accepted (with L. Tovena) Italian -ata event nouns and the nomen vicis interpretation. Accepted by Italian Journal of Linguistics/Rivista di linguistica. [with revisions]
  • to appear (with Lucia Tovena) The profile of event delimitation. Special issue of Journal of Italian Linguistics/Rivista di linguistica (expected for 2017)
  • in press (with Lucia Tovena) Pluralities of events : semelfactives and a case of "single event" nominalisation. Romance language and Linguistics Theory 11. Selected papers from the 44th Linguistic Symposium of Romance Languages (LSRL), London, Ontario. John Benjamins (peer reviewed) pdf  of pre-final version
  • to appear (with Martin Becker) Deissi e relazioni di coerenza testuale. Il caso di "ora". Serailität: Reihen, Fortsetzungen, Folgen. [Proceedings of the Deutscher Italianistentag 2016], Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale)


  • forthcoming (with Bianca Basciano and Chiara Melloni) La funzione aspettuale dei nomi di evento in italiano e cinese mandarino: uno studio comparativo. 51° Congresso Internazionale della Società Linguistica Italiana (SLI), Napoli: Università Federico II, 28-30 sept. 2017
  • Embedding anticausatives in Italian: evidence for Voice. Cambridge Workshop on Voice (CamVoice). Cambridge University, 22-24 may 2017
  • (with Bianca Basciano and Chiara Melloni) Event Nouns as aspectual delimiters: a cross-linguistic survey. Jenom 7- 7th international workshop on nominalizations. Université de Fribourg, June 1-2 2017
  • (with Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin) Mass-count shifts and the Mass-Count distinction. 39 Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Workshop Coercion Across Linguistic Fields (CALF), 8-10 march 2017, Saarbrüken: Universität des Saarlandes.
  • (with C. Dobrovie-Sorin) More on Count Bare NPs and the Mass-Cound divide. International Workshop on Co-Distributivity 2017, february 22-23 2017, Paris: University of Paris 8. 


  • 2016 (with Ana Müller and Luciana Sanchez-Mendes) A Semântica dos Numerais Distributivos: um estudo entre línguas. Revista da ABRALIN/Associação Brasileira de Linguïstica, v.15, n.3, p. 11-58, jul./dez. 2016  pdf
  • 2016 Nominal and verbal events in Romance causative structures. Going Romance 30, Frankfurt am Main, Goethe Universität, 7- 10 Dec. 2016 
  • 2016 Incomplete events and the grammar of (in)direct causation. XI Workshop on Formal Linguistics, Curitiba: Universidade Federal do Paraná, 9-11 november 2016
  • 2016 Varieties of pluralisation: a case study of Mandarin Chinese. International workshop on co- distributivity University of Paris 8, february 11-12 2016
  • 2016 (with Lucia Tovena) Verbal morphology, nominal aspect. Chronos 12 - 12th International Conference on Tense, Aspect, Modality/Evidentiality Caen, Universitè Caen Normandie, June 15-17 2016 Hand-out
  • 2016 (with Lucia Tovena) Agentive dispositions and causal responsibility. A case study. 38 Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, workshop Agentivity and event structure: theoretical and experimental approaches. Universität Konstanz, february 21-24 2016
  • 2016 (with Lucia Tovena) Dispositions and event nouns: decomposing the agentivity constraint in a light verb construction. In Martin, Pitteroff and Pross (eds), Morphological, syntactic and semantic aspect of dispositions. SinSpec Series of SFB732, University of Stuttgart. pre-final


  • 2015 (with Ana Müller) Distributivity as a window on the individuation of events. Pluractional reduplication in Chinese and Karitiana. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 14 (1): Issues in the formal semantics of referentiality.  pdf
  • 2015 Distributive numerals in Mandarin Chinese and the scope of pluractionality. EACL 9 - 9th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics. Stuttgart, September 24-26
  • 2015 (with Ana Müller) Numerais Distributivos. III CIEL - III Congresso Internacional de Estudios Linguisticos University of Brasilia, August 17-21
  • 2015 (with Francesco Cangemi, Martin Becker, Lucie Rousier-Vercruyssen, Mélanie Sandoz, Marion Fossard) Exploration des données textuelles dans un corpus oral : un aperçu des stratégies de construction narrative. Journées de Linguistique de Corpus 2015, Orléans, 2-5 september 2015
  • 2015 (with Francesco Cangemi, Martin Becker, Lucie Rousier-Vercruyssen, Mélanie Sandoz, Marion Fossard) Strong frames make up for weak definites. AMLaP 2015 -- Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. University of Malta, 3-5 september 2015
  • 2015 (with Katja Jasinskaja,Sofiana Chiriacescu, Klaus von Heusinger and Stefan Hinterwimmer) Prominence in discourse. In De Dominicis, A.(ed.) Prominences in linguistics. Proceedings of the pS-prominenceS International Conference. Università della Tuscia, Viterbo. DISUCOM Press. pdf
  • 2015 (with Lucia Tovena) Agentivity and the external argument of event nouns. Agentivity and Causation in Romance (and beyond). University of Cologne, november 24 2015 (slides)
  • 2015 (with Lucia Tovena) Event structure in nominalisations: more on the nomen vicis interpretation. JENom6: 6th Workshop on Nominalizations. Verona: June 30-July 1 2015


  • 2014 (with Lucia Tovena) Aspectual classes in event nouns : plurality and unity of events. Chronos 11 Pisa. Scuola Normale Superiore
  • 2014 (with Lucia Tovena) Pluralities of events : a lesson from instrument semelfactives in Italian. Talk given at Linguistic Symposium of Romance Languages 44 Western University, Ontario.
  • 2014 (with Ana Müller) Reduplication and distributivity in two numberless languages. X Workshop on Formal Linguistics Porto Alegre : Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul2014

PhD Dissertation

Donazzan, M. (2008) La notion sémantique de répétition, Étude d'adverebs additifs et répétitifs en chinois mandarin et dans certaines langues romanes. Université Paris 7. [available online at HAL)

Book reviews

  • 2016 Alla ricerca del Tempo perduto. [Review of Sun, Hogyuan (2014) Temporal construals of bare predicates in Mandarin Chinese.] Annali di Ca'Foscari - Serie Orientale 52, 405 - 419. view

Some older papers

Well, of course this is Dante Alighieri


  • 2013 (with Leticia Lemos Gritti) Another look at telicity and homogeneity. Constraints on weak readings in two Romance languages. In K. V. Molsing (ed.) Time and TAME across languages. Cambridge : Cambridge Scholar Publishing. pdf
  • 2013a Weak (in)definites, familiarity and reference to kinds. The view from Italian. Revista da Abralin/Associação Brasileira de Linguïstica, Thematic issue Weak Definiteness and Referentiality ed. R. Pires de Oliveira (XII/1), janeiro/junho 2013. view
  • 2013b Familiarity constraints on weak definite DPs.. Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes 42, Thematic issue Weak definites across languages. Theoretical and experimental investigations. ed. C. Beyssade and R. Pires de Oliveira, 61-89 view
  • 2012 On counting and measuring events. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 17. Paris : Ecole Normale Supérieure (pdf)   

Before 2012

  • 2011 (with Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin) Nominalization and relativization strategies. The case of Mandarin DE. Gao Ming-le (ed) Universals and variation. Proceedings of GLOW in Asia VIII, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, pp. 135-142
  • 2010  (with Sylviane Schwer and Lucia Tovena) Les adverbes encore et zài dans le treillis des temps verbaux de Reichenbach revisité. Cahiers de Linguistique – Asie Orientale, 39(2) : 129-155 (pdf)
  • 2010 (with Alexandru Mardale) Aspectual and additive particles : towards an analysis for Romanian mai. Revue de Linguistique Romane, (4)/2010, Tome LV, pp. 247-269. Bucharest, Editura Academiei Române 
  • 2008 (with Lucia Tovena) On Ways of Repeating. Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes 37 : Aspect et pluralité d'événements, pp. 85-112. Presses Universitaires de Vincennes (pdf)
  • 2008 Presupposition, times and degrees : the case of Mandarin hái. Proceedings of the 20th North American Conference of Chinese Linguistics pp. 597-611. Columbus (USA) : Ohio State University
  • 2007 A temporal analysis for ‘irrealis’ zài. Proceedings of the 8th Workshop of Chinese Lexical Semantics, pp. 79-85. Hong Kong Polytechnic University 